Sino Logistics Whistleblowing Form
Sino Logistics has a zero-tolerance policy against business malpractice. Accordingly, you can raise a concern at any time about an incident that happened in the past, is happening now, or you believe will happen in the near future. However, please be aware that the wrongdoing you disclose must be detrimental to the public. Hence, personal grievances (for example, bullying, harassment, discrimination) are not considered whistleblowing unless your particular case is in the public interest.
Incidents of business malpractice may relate to corruption, unethical business practices, accounting or auditing fraud, internal matters, law violations, unethical conduct towards business partners, or any other activity that goes against Sino Logistics’ code of ethics.
We take all manner of corruption very seriously, so if you have something to report, you may contact us immediately using our confidential form below to communicate your concerns to our Chairman of the Audit Committee. Rest assured, we will effectively safeguard your information and proceed with the utmost confidentiality and vigilance in handling your report.
Please direct any comments/suggestions or report misconducts by completing the form below